Join me in creating co-ops education for Denver's communities!
Dear followers, I am delighted to share this one-page synopsis on my plans for a community-based educational series on the co-ops model for metro Denver. Over the past year I have felt a strong sense of the need to spread education and training about co-op models among low-income urban communities, i.e. those who could most benefit from realizing the model in their own communities. This is a gap I see in Denver's current "co-op ecosystem" and in bridging that gap, I hope to build overall capacity through increased collaboration between stakeholders toward more, and more successful, co-op development in the region. This synopsis is meant as a one-page version of the proposal. The full proposal is about 15 pages long. I would be grateful to receive your feedback on the synopsis. I am currently seeking matching funders for an upcoming crowdfunding campaign, and collaborator-partners in the curricula design, outreach and implementation. What do you think? ...